Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Farmers protest for low price of milk

Farmers are the feeders of world but sometimes they have to go for protest when their products do not get market or return price of their effort. In Nepal, farmers are keeping cattle and producing milk to sustain national market but due to strikes and low price for the product, they have to spill their milk in the farmland or in roads. Similar situation has been seen in other countries. For example, on September 16, 2009, Belgian milk producers have also pour about three million litres of milk on a field near the Belgian city of Ciney, in protest over a growing industrial dispute over low prices. European dairy farmers, fed up with low prices, gave out milk for free, blocked deliveries and prepared to throw away millions of litres of milk the same week in protests. Check how they protest with their available resources. It also shows the technology the farmers are adopting in the production or protest. The first picture is from Nepal and rest from Europe. The pictures are taken from internet.

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