Sunday, November 1, 2009

Grass on sale

When I was child, I had studied history of first Nepali poet, Bhanu Bhakta Acharya, where he has mentioned about 'grass sale'. However, selling grass is not common in many parts of Nepal even today. Some city farmers may buy grass for their cattle or hire some one to cut or fetch grass these days. Anyway, recently I was a old women selling grass. It was actually not for cattle nor the amount was large. The grass was 'dubo' (Cynodon dactylon) and sale was for worshiping gods. It is specially used to offer Ganesh God. Are the people so busy that they could not pick up this grass as it can be found any place? or there is no more open space for this grass to grow in Kathmandu city? I don't know how much the old woman could earn from this but it shows that the society is changing and reviving the history of grass sale. Check the green circle.

Yellow insect turn black

Earlier I had a post on social insects. I was not sure whether they are ants or spiders. When I checked the site of the picture again, I was surprised to see those insects again but with different colour. They have turned black. How could be? I looked closely. I found that they have developed wings and long antenna. Because of the wings they looked black. Though they have wings now, they have not flied yet. I will keep my eyes on what change they will have next.

A Kathmandu's new building

Kathmandu is getting new and tall buildings for different purposes. Commercial complexes are increasing rapidly so as apartments flats. The housing However, I saw a building at the heart of Kathmandu city for different purpose. While looking the outlook and its design, I could not believe in its purpose. However it is for that. Could you guess which building is this or what could be its purpose. For answer, scroll down.
Bir Hospital.
Yes this is Bir hospital's new building being built at the south side of old hospital building.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Be social like these insects

This is the picture of group of insects grouped in a colony. It was very interesting to see all the small insects colonizing themselves and getting close to each other forming a very smooth surface. When the move due to disturbances, individual insects can be seen but in some minutes they again come close together to form the colony. I don't know exact scientific or common name of this animal but if you know, let all know. The insect look like ants but I didn't check the number of legs to confirm whether they are ants or spider. They are lying in cemented wall.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Juju dhau - King of yogurt

Bhaktapur is also famous for Juju dhau - Newari name for King of curd or yogurt. It is called dhai in Nepali. Earlier, the market demand of curd was fulfilled by the same brand name but there are many brands now. In the name of 'Juju dhau', locals also produce curd and market in the name of juju dhau. Like the tradition of making curd and selling in market, the tradition of carrying in shoulder - 'kharpan' is still practiced. You can see a man carrying curd (don't know whether it is juju dhau or other dhau) and looking for the buyers.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Newroad gate Kathmandu

When I was child, I used to look at the 'New road gate' of Kathmandu turning my head several times. The reason for that was the four heads which were holding the structure. Now a days, I hardly look for that reason but I look for its history and craft. Today, when I saw it, I feel that the concern authority is not caring it much. The traffic has increased, population has increased who pass the gate but either coloring nor removal of herbs from the gate is clear indication of careless. See the condition yourself.

Sumeru parbat during mangal chauthi

Ganesh is one of the most worshiped Gods among Hindus. Mangal chauthi is the biggest day of celebration in the name of Ganesh. While going for shopping, I could see a pile of sweets in front of a temple. I didn't know that the day was Mangal chauthi so with wonder I took these picture and later came to know that the cause of celebration later. I really feel to taste those sweets piled like a 'sumeru parpat' but could not dare to take as 'parsad'.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Everest beer and saddam hussein cigar

Last week, we had get together party. With fun most of us enjoyed Nepali beer 'Everest beer'. The beer with its name was supreme on taste though the alcohol percent was high (5% by vol) than normal beer (3%). Cigarette smoking with drinks is a habit for some friends. One of our friend took out 'bindi', we can call it local cigar, instead of cigarette. It was interesting to see the brand name - Saddam Hussein with a cute child picture. I don't know why the name is given with that name but the name might be common in the community where the product is made. It was just a local product for local people anyway. My friend might have bought the product to show the same to others.

Farmers protest for low price of milk

Farmers are the feeders of world but sometimes they have to go for protest when their products do not get market or return price of their effort. In Nepal, farmers are keeping cattle and producing milk to sustain national market but due to strikes and low price for the product, they have to spill their milk in the farmland or in roads. Similar situation has been seen in other countries. For example, on September 16, 2009, Belgian milk producers have also pour about three million litres of milk on a field near the Belgian city of Ciney, in protest over a growing industrial dispute over low prices. European dairy farmers, fed up with low prices, gave out milk for free, blocked deliveries and prepared to throw away millions of litres of milk the same week in protests. Check how they protest with their available resources. It also shows the technology the farmers are adopting in the production or protest. The first picture is from Nepal and rest from Europe. The pictures are taken from internet.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Bamboo as home utensils

Today, I am posting a picture from a newspaper. Though it is not taken by me, I like the picture very much as it is one of the rare conditions. Besides this, the picture also reflects indigenous technology existing in the country. Bamboo is used for many things but as a water pot is really new to me.

The text in Nepali (below the picture) says that: The picture is from Sankhuwasawa Sisukhola-2 where Gorimaya Rai is filling bamboo pot with drinking water. They do not have bucket or water pot to collect water. Other people in the village also use bamboo as spoon, cooking utensils and others. As cooking utensils, they put rice and water in bamboo pot and put near fire to cook. Click the picture for larger form.

The picture is taken by Surendra Subedi/Kantipur (published on 27 August 2009)

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Aesthetic value of solidwaste

In Environmental Science, 'aesthetic value' plays an important role. Environmental pollution lowers aesthetic value of nature and man made environment. If you can not see beautiful mountains in Nepal, you blame it to air pollution or to climate change. Similarly, people in Kathmandu blame solidwaste for tourist's flow decline. It is true that solidwaste is not collected regularly from the streets of city. This has affected the health of people, city environment and economy of city people. Besides these, how solidwaste affects the aesthetic value can be seen from the following two pictures. The first picture is with the solidwaste openly dumped in the street and second is just after the collection of same waste. How do you feel with and without the waste?

Monday, June 15, 2009

Tuborg house

Nepal is rich in water resources. It should promote on water based industries for maximum profit as raw material (water) is available for free or in lower cost. May be because of the same, there are many beer factories, Tuborg being one of them. I saw an advertisement of the same beer painted in the wall of a nice traditional house in Nepal. The house is located in an agricultural area as corps can be seen around the house the has cattle. I don’t know how the house owner and beer advertisers take it but for me, it looks like a Tuborg house.

Robert or iron waste

I saw this item standing like a Robert near an area where engineering subject is being taught. This might have developed by engineering students as a part of their project or just arranged the waste items of their other works. However, it looks like a person in a weight lifting mood. I can clearly see shape of head and two eyes plus antenna. Two hands with fingers are holding an item. The body does not look attractive but standing with two legs. What do you think? Is it a Robert or just a waste product compilation?

Natural bugs

I was walking in a natural trail and spot this event. I have usually seen lady bug but not this dark and shiny blue beetle. They were in the same leaf. Wow! What a nice moment. I don’t think they have mutual benefit on the leaf or that plant is their host but how they came together is unknown. There are many unknown natural mystery anyway.

Bhaktapur flooding

On Friday, it was raining like a monsoon while I was on the way to Kathmandu. When I reach near Suryabinak bus stop, I saw flooding in the small stream. Usually the streams were almost dry and many people even don’t know that there are streams. The water was flooding nearby paddy fields and restaurants. It was unexpected event for the locals so many people were watching the scene. I was expecting similar rain and flooding in all streams of Bhaktapur to call ‘Bhaktapur flooding’ but when I reach next bus stop, Sallaghari, there was no sign of such flood nor rain. After Thimi area, there were even no rain drops. The road was dry. This type of partial rain is due to environmental change?

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Balaju baais dhara (Useless twenty-two taps)

When I was secondary school student, I used to visit Bajalu park with excitement. However, it is not the case now. The main attraction of the park was twenty-two stone sprouts and contineous flow of clean and clear water. The park still have such artestic and decorative taps, picnic areas, fish ponds, swiming pool and forest areas but ponds are without fish and taps are in complete dry condition. People used to take bath in the taps with cultural and religious belief and there are some songs especially made describing the taps. I could still see large number of visitors but I don't understand what the management does with the entry fee? It might be enough to give life to the area with the same income source.

Open tires burning, environmental pollution and health impact

Open burning of vehicle tires on street is becoming a part of life in Nepal. Even for small events, aggressive mass start putting fire on tires to show their yes or no support and put pressure on government. The question of environmental pollution and health impact of such activities has been raised several times but no one has changed this behavior.

Open tire fire emissions include carbon monoxide (CO), sulfur oxides (SO2), oxides of nitrogen (NOx), and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). It also includes hazardous air pollutants such as polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), dioxins, furans, hydrogen chloride, benzene, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). The tire burning emission also releases heavy metals like arsenic, cadmium, nickel, zinc, mercury, chromium, and vanadium. People exposed to such emissions show symptoms of skin, eyes, and mucous membranes irritation, lungs and respiratory problems, central nervous system depression, and cancer. In a long run people may start showing mutagenic effects and higher number of cancer cases. In terms of mutagenic effects, open tire fires emissions are 16 times more dangerous than residential wood burning and 13,000 times than coal-fired emissions.

May be we will start stopping lighting the tires only we experience such effects ourselves but that will be too late to act on. (Information source:; Pictures by blogger)

A picture from United World Trade Centre

United World Trade Centre (UWTC) is said to be the largest shopping complex at Tripureshwor, Kathmandu, Nepal. The complex is spread over 5,596.11 square meters area and built in a leased-land owned by Tribhuvan University with the total investment of Rs 500 million rupees. The complex provides a number of services like department stores, cyber café, party palace, health club, and heated swimming pool. Last week, I could visit the building and had snacks at roof top restaurant of it. The picture is from the same roof showing Tripureshowr round about. National stadium, Dasharat rangashala, is just behild the two big hoarding boards in the picture.

Uncontrolled traffic system of Kathmandu

The traffic system of Kathmandu is really terrible. No matter how safe you drive, you could face accident due to others fault. Road rules are not cared by anyone. Larger vehicles try to dominate small vehicles and so on ultimately making the trouble to pedestrians. Traffic tried to established lane system with concrete slabs but they seems to be obstruction for drive and threat to live during night. Pressure horns are legally not allowed but almost all bus and trucks blow even near hospital and schools areas. Passengers also use bus and truck hoods for 'safe' journey. If driver pay some money to traffic, they don't care punishing them. Haphazard parking and turns are normal at any place and any time.

People can put illegal shops even under bridge obstructing the vehicle movement. Now, the roads are also a place to show all grievances. People demonstrate putting fire on tires on road. The reason could be either road accidents or political regression and/or support. Because of these all huddles, I think you can drive any part of the world if can drive in the street of Kathmandu. Here are some scenes of Kathmandu roads.

Traffic jam due to political demonstration 'Ranke julus'

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Effect of load shedding on television broadcast

I was experiencing 16 hours of load shedding so it was difficult to update with recent news on television in normal hours. Hence, whenever the power comes in, I used to wakeup and turn on the television. Some days back, it was early morning around 4:00 AM, I saw strange notice of ‘No broadcast due to load shredding’ on most of the Nepali channels. When I explored the news, I came to know that there were more than five Nepali television channels broadcasting 24 hours. They were highly affected due to load shredding for the production, advertisement management and broadcasting the programs. Because of the same, they recently formed an organization ‘Television Broadcasters Nepal’ and announced ‘Emergency on broadcasting’. They stopped broadcasting 00:00 to 05:00 every day. This was not the prime time of watching television but if they start increasing the time like electricity cut then that will definitely effect our ‘right to information’. Few weeks back government has declared emergency in electricity sector. Let us see who else will declare next ‘emergency’.

Street vendors in Nepal

Open and flee market are traditional way of good exchange and shopping. These trends are decreasing everywhere however increasing in Nepal. Either of clothes, vegetables, fruits, meats, food stalls or household utensils are available in the street market. Traffic jam and inconvenience to pedestrian was one of the major issues due to such markets. Because of the same, the government tried to stop these street vendors but vendors organizational unity and their protest pressurized government to provide them alternative or space in the street itself. What a shame? A group of people are occupying public place (street) for their business (profit motive) and government is helpless. Here are some of the pictures showing how street vendors do their business.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Windows in a matchbox

When I went to a shop to buy a matchbox, I got a nice matchbox printed with popular logo – ‘Windows’. To my knowledge, Windows was a registered trademark of Microsoft Company associated with computer software. I did not find any connection with the computer software and matchbox but the logo was nicely printed. I do not think that the matchbox is advertising the software company because the matchbox also consists of its company name and address. However, the matchbox logo was missing ‘R’ in a circle. You can see the nice matchbox yourself.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Fruits and fruit cakes

Fruits are source of vitamins, minerals and other elements. They are essential food components of human. However, all types of fruits are not available at a time since they are seasonal and production differ on climatic and altitudinal variations. I could enjoy variety of fruits and fruit cake which I would like to share with you here. Enjoy it.